Yassamin Ansari — A Voice for the Future

NaTyshca Pickett - Journalist
3 min readOct 10, 2020
Yassamin Ansari — Phoenix City Council Candidate, District 7

Phoenix City Council District 7 candidate, Yassamin Ansari is no stranger when it comes to community activism. Raised in the Valley, Ansari learned from her immigrant parents the importance of honesty, hard work, and community service. As a child, she, along with her brother tutored refugees who were new to the United States and needed assistance with assimilating in the culture. She attended public schools and worked…



NaTyshca Pickett - Journalist

As a journalist, I cover local and national news. I am the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Arizona Coffea Magazine. www.azcoffeamag.com